Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cooking video shooting

How many times did I say already that I started cooking classes through Tadaku? Many.

But did I say that I participated in a cooking video with the same Tadaku crew? It was not a full one hour video where I explain how to cook something, rather a one minute or less clip, one in where someone explains some curious facts about this or that thing (like, the origin of the word mayonnaise, or how to cut a baguette). The video I took part in, reveals the secret of how to make a perfect, Sicilian style coating with bread crumbs. I say no more, you have to watch the video once is out.

Because we shot the video at my temporary house, I wasn't entirely sure on how the dog would have behaved, especially knowing that he chooses his targets among those who are not friends of the family (here I mean his owner's friends) following a random, unbiased process. But it went super well, he was super welcoming (huge amounts of jumping and licking) and he even dozed off (as in, there is no food coming my way so I am not interested) for a bit.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), he won't be in the video, because he was either getting back-rubbed on the other side of the room or he was, as said, unimpressed. Perhaps he has a feel on our acting and doesn't believe in a career in the

I was wearing the apron I received as a good luck present from my back-to-back office co-worker and friend, who thought I had to have one for my nascent career (obviously he put more trust in me than the dog did). The apron was not coordinated with the one the video host was wearing, but it looked very cute, so I got the OK.

Of the 2.5 hours we took, you'll eventually see 60 mere seconds. A plan in using all the cut (read: embarrassing) scenes is on its way, but I can't promise anything right now.

Video HERE


Quante volte ho gia' detto che ho incominciato lezioni di cucina tramite tadaku? Tante.

Ma ho gia' detto che ho partecipato a un video di cucina con gli stessi signori Tadaku? Non era un vero e proprio corso di un'ora dove spiego tutto quello che cucino, ma piuttosto una clip di un minuto circa, del tipo che uno spiega fatti curiosi, pillole (tipo l'origine della maionese, o come tagliare il pane). Nel video a cui ho preso parte si rivela il segreto di come ottenere una panatura perfetta. Non dico altro, dovete guardarvi il video appena e' pronto.

Siccome il video e' stato fatto nella mia casa temporanea, non e' che fossi tanto sicura di come il cane l'avrebbe presa...soprattutto conoscendo che la selezione delle sue vittime tra gli sconosciuti segue un processo del tutto casuale. Ma invece e' andata benone, e' stato molto accogliente (con una buona dose di salti e leccate) e si e' pure appisolato. Per la serie, se non ci sta da mangiare per me, non mi interessa proprio.

Purtroppo (o forse per fortuna) non ci sara' nel video, perche' o si stava facendo accarezzare oppure, come detto sopra, non era per nulla impressionato. Forse sa che la nostra carriera in televisione proprio non decollera'.

Ora, delle due ore e mezzo di fatica, alla fine verra' fuori solo un video di circa 60 secondi o meno. C'e' l'idea di utilizzare le parti tagliate (leggi: imbarazzanti), ma per ora non prometto nulla.
Il video e' QUI

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